Start Where You Are. Use What You Have. Do What You Can!
–Arthur Ashe

Every single human being on this planet can do something! Not nothing. We are all gifted with some ability to contribute, to make a positive difference. Even a very slight difference—can make all the difference. If ever deterred from doing the whole of an activity, just do the part you can! In other words, “start where you are—use what you have—do what you can” (Arther Ash).
And now, without further ado, if it’s hard to button the top button of your waistband pants, adapt it to velcro. This eliminates the fine motor hassle of buttoning and makes dressing quicker and easier. Let’s get started—
What’s needed:
Thread, a sewing needle, scissors, and non-adhesive, sew-on, or iron-on velcro, and a friend or family member who can sew.

Step 1: Remove button from waistband of pants.

Step 2: Sew keyhole buttonhole closed (view from inside button placket).

Step 3: Sew button onto waistband where keyhole buttonhole was sewn closed.

Step 4: Sew or iron on hook velcro to inside of waistband where button was removed. Before sewing, make sure the hook velcro will be aligned with the loop velcro.
Step 5: Sew or iron on loop velcro to inside of waistband where the buttonhole was sewn closed.
Step 6: Press hook and loop velcro together to secure closure.

Step 7: Complete all steps for any remaining buttons, and you’ve just adapted a pair of button waistband pants to velcro closure.

Step 8: Difficulty zippering? Try placing a large paperclip on zipper pull tab—this helps with grasp and discreetly hides under fly flap. For more tips on zippering, see my blog post, “Get A Better Grip-To-Zip.”
I hope Arthur Ashe’s quote resonates with you. So when in doubt, “start where you are, use what you have, do what you can!
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